Sunday, December 7, 2008

Tooth on the Loose

The boys and I were staging a big time, all out, knock down wrestling match on the bed upon my return from the youth fall retreat, when C-Rok realized his loose tooth was missing. When I asked him if he knew where it was, he told me he was "going to have to poop it out." Uncertain as to whether or not he had actually swallowed it, I began the search. Fortunately, it did not take long to find. I was not at all looking forward to him asking me to come investigate the toilet bowl throughout the week. He was pretty pumped to lose his first tooth.

Inflation has hit the Tooth Fairy hard. We used to get a quarter. Big C lost his first tooth a couple years ago and wagered a guess that the Tooth Fairy would bring him $100.00. We let him know that the current going rate with the Tooth Fairy was $1.00. Last time a tooth was lost in our house we forget to have the Tooth Fairy come and Big C was pretty shocked and puzzled to find out his tooth was still present. We better not mess this up for C-Rok tonight!


Jana said...

Caleb looks like a little chipmunk in the second picture. Glad he lost his tooth and REALLY glad that YOU don't have to search his poop for it. :)

Amanda said...

He lost his first tooth a couple years ago??? I can't believe it just fell out with no fanfare!! I'm going home and checking out Nash's mouth immediately!!

Jana said...

No Amanda, you are confused! BIG C lost his first tooth a couple of years ago and we forgot to have the tooth fairy come. This is Caleb's (C-Rok)first tooth to fall out.

Amanda said...

Ahhh, I stand corrected. Get that boy a Benjamin!