Monday, January 12, 2009


Last Friday, January 9, marked the twenty year anniversary of my father's death. I have very, very few pictures of him, unfortunately, but here are a few of him that I have not previously posted. We love and miss you dad!


Amanda said...

I have something for you...

Anonymous said...

Where are pictures of your mom? Did she not play a part in your life? Nice dad pics.

Jana said...

Well, if you would have noticed the topic of this photo blog, then you would have seen that these pictures were posted in MEMORY of Troy's father. His mother is still a living member of his family that he supports daily!

Also....I feel that this blog was formed to show our friends and family how our family grows and changes. Would you please refrain from leaving comments that you feel you cannot sign your name to. Thank you! Jana

Amanda said...

Wow...anonymous...I bet sitting behind your computer typing hateful remarks you feel pretty brave. How sad and pathetic. A person with integrity would know when speaking their mind they should stand behind their words, thank you for showing us you lack in integrity so your words are as well empty.

Troy thank you for sharing these pictures, they and his memory are not lost on me.