Sunday, November 23, 2008


It's Thanksgiving week, and a great time to reflect on what we are most thankful for in our lives. This week I would like to display some photographs submitted by friends and family showing what they are most thankful for. So, if you would like to participate (I know you want to), then email me a picture or two or three showing what you are most thankful for in your life and I will post it this week. Please include a description of the picture and a little about your thankfulness as it relates to the picture(s). Send pictures to troyrosenkranz {at} gmail {dot} com.


Amanda said...

ummm...I can't figure out how to send you a pic...

Troy Rosenkranz said...

That's a great question "Amanda" (if that is your real name). Send me an email, add the photo as an attachment to your email, and write the descrip in the body of your email. Hope to see a photo in my inbox soon!

Amanda said...

Sorry, brain's on the fritz, got it together now...thanks for the reply, your etiquette is superb!!