Thursday, October 30, 2008

Christmas 1976

Here are a couple more slides my mom had turned into pictures. I played around with them as much as I could on the computer to restore them (they were far worse before). They are still cool pictures to me. The three by the Christmas tree are my sister Amanda, my cousin Christina, and me in the middle. These pictures were taken in Minnesota at my Aunt Eva and Uncle Ozzie's house. I remember having to sit upstairs in a room (storage room?) for what seemed like forever waiting for the adults to get Christmas presents set up downstairs (or whatever the heck they were doing). The other two pictures are my dad holding and playing with my sister, and me wandering in and out of the shot. These two pictures were taken in Wisconsin at Grammy and Gramps' house.


CP~ said...

oh my gosh- we were ADORABLE ;)
I have such fond memories of your Dad- he was so much fun and I remember him playing with us at the Grammy's farm...really good memories.
I might have a few of these to share too; I'll look for them and post when I find them.
These were fun to see- thanks Troy!

Amanda said...

I miss him terribly, thank you for sharing