Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Let's Play Ball

A couple weeks ago I was trying to find a close ball field to take the boys to so we could hit some baseballs and have some fun. Almost every field close was fenced in and locked up. Seems really sad to me that kids can't walk down the street with their families and play ball on a diamond. Everything has to be locked up and off limits. Just one block from my house are some fields owned by the Elks Lodge. They are in the perfect place for neighborhood kids to walk down and enjoy. Unfortunately they are fenced in (barb wire on top), locked up, and overgrown. The fields are there wasting away when they could be a great service to the community and enjoyed by many. Here are a few pictures I took.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

why don't you contact them and see if you can take the fields over? offer to clean them up and get the surrounding community involved so everyone can benefit? that would be awesome!